Video of activity in Sarandí Grande
Originally published by Pablo Flores on Sun, Dec 23rd, 2007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
News, interesting information and ideas about the Ceibal project. Ir al blog en español
Originally published by Pablo Flores on Sun, Dec 23rd, 2007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
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Originally published by Pablo Flores on Thurs, Dec 20th, 2007
Translated by Paul D. SpradlingYesterday we were in Sarandí Grande for the announced support session for parents and teachers that have received their laptops recently.
We were a group of seven: 3 engineering professors (Gabriel Gómez, Raquel Abella and myself), 1 psychology professor (Esther Angeriz), 1 Communication Sciences professor (Fernando da Rosa), Fernando Cormenzana, and Daniel Viñar who decided to come along since he's promoting a similar project in Bolivia.
In the morning we worked with the teachers. We were surprised to find that many rural schoolteachers have not received their laptops yet. They had already been given a basic course so we decided to give them a more in-depth look at the uses of graphics and the internet. We counted on some very valuable support material: Fernando da Rosa's Videos, which we were able to copy to the laptops so they could have them for future reference.In the evening we received the parents, some of who brought their kids along. We started by introducing the project and giving some presentations on the theoretical use of the laptops. It was very interesting to see the parents listening attentively and the kids concentrating on tasks in the laptop. We then opened up for questions. It was amazing to see how some kids (like Valentina in the picture) have learned to use their laptops so quickly and how they put it in good use.
Being there was a great pleasure. The people were really grateful for the laptops and appreciated the help we went to provide. We arrived at the clear conclusion that there is great demand for more information, help documentation, support activities, etc. Surely, in part, it's because of the recent arrival of the XOs; they were not given the time to learn to use them sufficiently.
We hope to have a new activity in Florida before the end of the year.
More information:
Originally published by Pablo Flores on Thurs, Dec 20th, 2007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
The following extracts were sent by Cesar Barrettto, a volunteer that helped with the distribution of the laptops in Florida.
Image 1: It was on our way out of the school, the bus driver hurrying the group of '83 volunteers so we could leave. Someone brought hot water to replenish the thermoses [to drink mate]. We were happy, talking about the gratifying moments we had experienced since morning. As we turn out of the driveway, we see a family sitting on the porche of their simple block house. The father was sitting on a low stool, his wife standing on his side, three children gathered around them, one of them still with their tunic. They watched with joy how their father explored the XO, one of the kids was thrilled to explain the basics. We weren't able to take a picture, but this memory will stay with us for ever.
Image 2: We were giving the first XOs to the kids in the school for disabilities. One of the volunteers stuck the labels and scanned the laptops; we called out the kids one by one to receive their laptop. We called for 'Juan'; the principal, with a big smile, said to us: "you'll see". From behind a steel column, in the roofed patio of the old house, emerged a little kid with big cheeks and glasses, tumbling around with a great big smile. Juan has Down's Syndrome. He's happy and you see it. Everybody can tell. He received his laptop and quickly and happily tumbled back to his place. Everybody cheered. It was a party!
Originally published by Pablo Flores on Sat, Dec 22nd, 2007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
Episode 04 takes us on location in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Where the first batches of XOs have been delivered and deployed. Meet the teachers using the laptops in the classroom. Where besides doing daily assignments on the machines, some students have already learned programing. Local culture has permeated the project, and as a veteran school principal explains, an improved education is set to equip a new generation of Brazilian citizens.
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Originally published by enrique_place on Tue, Jun 19th, 2007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
How can these laptops "talk" to each other even without widespread internet access? How is the network they create different from the network at your home or office? Episode 03 explains it all.
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Originally published by enrique_place on Tue, Apr 24th, 1007
Translated by Paul D. Spradling
Episode 02 of this series produced by Red Hat documenting the One Laptop per Child project focuses on the activities built for the laptop.
I love the minimalist offices with the walls covered in white-boards! ;-)
The following video is from Eduardo Silva's blog (Chile). Eduardo contributes to the OLPC project thru Google.
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"This is the story of the little green laptop that could. Meet the faces behind the One Laptop per Child initiative and see what they do every day in the Cambridge, MA office. Sit in on a brainstorming session. And find out what you can do to help."
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Originally published by Pablo Flores on December 14th, 2007. Translated by Paul D. Spradling.
Project "Flor de Ceibo", initiated in the Universidad de la Republica, has given rise to the collaboration between Plan Ceibal and LATU (Uruguay's Technological Laboratory). The project's general aim is to organize volunteer activities, counting with the participation of students and staff of the university. The project is in an embryonic state, but its aims are well defined:
The university will support Project Ceibal, accompanying and contributing, with the end of improving opportunity and equality in the access to the new technologies to all children in the country; generating a profound change in education.
It is expected that students and staff of the university will participate, contributing their experience to facilitate the students, teachers and parents first encounter with this new tool (the laptop).
By means of an activity of mass participation throughout the university, it is expected to contribute essential elements to the formation of the university's students. Key elements include: closer contact with the reality of the country, development of communication and expression skills, and the horizontal link with students and staff of other faculties or mayors.
We hope to generate links that will potentially give birth to projects of development, content or that will contribute national know-how. It is expected from this experience, that some students will maintain contact with the schools that they visited and that development projects with social utility will surface.
We aspire for a project of mass participation by students and staff of a variety of carriers, which will develop throughout the year 2008 in which Project Ceibal will spread throughout all rural areas of the country.
Based on a question in an earlier post, I'm making some comments on the project's influence on students' motivation.
Motivation is hard to measure quantitatively. According to the headmaster at the Cardal school, there was never any problem with desertion or any high level of absenteeism, but the latter was reduced this year (i.e., the kids were absent less than in other years). The teachers also tell us that students seem more motivated and that, in particular, they enjoy it when it's time to work with laptops.
On the other hand, additional motivation comes up when the kids take their computers home and show their parents what they have done and what they have created. In this sense, there's generalized perception that the project is helping to bring families "closer" to the school. Edith Moraes, director of the grade school, says that she's very happy that a long-existing trend is reversing itself - where it seemed that the school was going down one path and families down another.
In any case, these results are extremely preliminary given that the Cardal experience has special qualities due to it's enormous level of exposure.
We could have a new reference point in the next few days, when massive laptop distribution begins in other schools in Florida.
Translated from "Reporte Especial: Uruguay la futura Finlandia de América Latina", originally published on september 18th, 2007.
According to what Walter Bender said today in the inauguration of the OLPC Learning Workshop that is being held this week in Boston, right in this moment is starting the mass production of XO laptops. Initially, it is expected to have a production of 15.000 laptops per week, which will be accelerated afterwards.
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After the technical analysis period for the proposals presented in the call to bids and additional negotiation between Latu and the offering companies, the following have been adjudicated:
Published by Pablo Flores , Saturday, October 6, 2007
Translated by Alec McLure
A second regional project analysis meeting under the heading of "One Computer Per Child and Per Teacher" will be held on October 16-18, 2007 at Montevideo's Hotel Cottage.
Representatives are expected from Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Panama, and Peru, in addition to Uruguay (download Agenda (pdf in Spanish).
This meeting is strongly supported by the IDRC and its "IT and Communications Technology for Development in the Americas (ICT4D Americas)" program.
Lisa Hoover of has written an interesting article about the situation in Uruguay and the world refering to the OLPC project. She used different sources of information, included an e-mail inteview she made me days ago.
Here is a quote:
Negroponte says if Uruguay places an order for XO laptops, the project is ready to deliver. "Some machines would arrive as early as December 1," he says. Complete order fulfillment depends on a number of factors. "The exact rollout of laptops ... is driven as much by other orders and the need to keep overall manufacturing smooth -- flat or upward sloping -- not with peaks and troughs, to drive the price lower and lower."Read the complete article.
According to Pablo Flores, a team member with the Ceibal Project, the organization overseeing the implementation of laptops in Uruguay's classrooms, there is a "logistics plan to distribute the laptops school by school" once delivery is taken. Flores says the Ceibal Project team is already preparing schools for the influx of laptops. "We are working very hard to integrate the computers into the educational system. We are training teachers and working in a collaborative environment to join together the contents and applications chosen by educators, as well as sharing educational experiences."
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Translated by Alec McLure
"Commision's Report leans towards US$199 laptop"
The formal decision is not out yet, but Latu received the report from the committee adjudicating on the bid for 100,000 laptops for schools. Nicholas Negroponte's OX scored 56.84 points and the Intel Classmate 53.06.
Yesterday Latu looked at the two companies participating in one of the largest purchases envisioned by the State for one of this administrations' most ambitious educational plans. In addition to the original 100,000 computers in the bid, there's an option for another 50,000 and for hundreds of servers (which are in a separate call for bids).
Brightstar Uruguay presented the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program, which has the units designed by Negroponte's MIT group; Grupo Positive de Brasil were there with the Intel machines. Both of these units are made in China under their designer's specifications.
Timeline. The companies now have five days to present any objections to the process - this would delay any decisions by the government, which would rather get the decision made. the official intent is to begin distributing school laptops before the end of the yeard and to roll out to all schools in the country before the end of the current administration.
Brighstar began the process by offering their computer at US$205; Positivo at US$ 274 (in their open-source Linux offering) although this unit had more memory and functionality. Latu negotiated on price, and finally the OX went down to US$199 and Intel's unit to US$258.
Grupo Positivo's proposal, which included servers, connectivity, teacher training and educational portals, also had a proposal for use of Windows and tech support in Uruguay by the Sonda company.
Brightstar's offer only includes teacher training and tech support, in addition to an additional 1% supply of machines for replacement purposes due to wear and tear. In addition, this design allows for parts that can be replaced by the children themselves.
Both machines were additionally designed to be highly impact-, water-, and dust-resistant.
Negroponte's so called "green machine" (it's apple-green) doesn't have a hard disk and uses so called open-source (non-commercial) software. This machines book-sized prototype which weighs in at 1.5 kilos (3.3 lbs) was presented at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis at the end of 2005.
These laptops are the ones being used in a pilot program to bridge the digital gap which is being carried out in the Cardal school in the Flores department [in Uruguay]. [Translator's note - see editor's comment below - it's actually "Florida" department]
Negroponte originally announced a US$100 laptop but up to now hasn't achieved that price. His plan, which originally was focused on working with large populations in poor countries, will apparently have it's first concrete expression in Uruguay.
Uruguay's inclusion in this program was obtained after convincing him that it was easier to apply the project in a small country with a relatively sparse population.
Leader in Cell-Phone Logistics
Brightstar is the Motorola cell-phone distributor used by countries such as Movistar (Telefónica) and CTI Móvil (América Móvil), both in Uruguay and in other countries in Latin America. In Uruguay, it also distributes BlackBerries and Palm [Pilots] and LG-branded products. In the Ceibal Plan bid it offered the Intel-designed computers.
Brighstar Corporation is principally a distributor and provider for value-added services for the wireless telecommunication industry. It specializes in managing inventory, logistics, fulfillment, internet-based solutions, invidual packaging and post-sale support to the cell-phone industry. World-wide, it's the third-largest provider of this type of service. The company was founded in 1997 and now takes in about US$ 4 billion annually.
In July, Intel and OLPC announced a joint agreement to take the benefits of technology to countries in development by using the synergy between their programs. Intel joined the OLPC board in which several IT big-rollers participate. Among them are Google, AMD, Red Hat, News Corporation, and Bright Star itself.
Source: Diario El País
Editor's Note:
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(Translated from
Prensa: "Ofertas de U$S 205 y U$S 270 por laptops del Plan Ceibal", published by Enrique Placé on Sept. 14th, 2007.)
"LATU opened yesterday (Sept. 13th, 2007) the bidding offers for Plan Ceibal's computers. Brighstar offered laptops for U$S 205 and Grupo Positivo from Brazil offered laptops between US$ 270 and U$S 300 depending on the type of machine.
The special technical committee of Uruguay's Technological Laboratory (LATU) and the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) finished the studies of the technical offers from both companies and yesterday noon opened the economic offers. The person in charge of the bidding, former national director of industry, Miguel Mariatti, said to El País that the information about the offers will be made public after being evaluated at the LATU's board, so he declined to give details at this time.
However, from sources related to this bidding El País learned that Brighstar Uruguay SA concentrated its proposal on terminals XO for kids, with 256Mb of memory, running open software (Linux), while Positivo offered computers with 256 Mb of memory also with Linux, and 512 Mb of memory with Windows platform from Microsoft. This company made a much broader proposal that included servers, connectivity, contents, network support, training for teachers and students, and availability of educational portals.".
Complete article at: Diaro El País (in Spanish).
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This slideshow is made with photos taken yesterday by Pedro "el paseante", during a trip to Villa Cardal. An enjoyable art!
Here are the photos uploaded to Cardal's school blogs with XO laptops. In addition to the published ones, there are many pictures form "draft" posts of the blog that can be seen here.
No more words.
School's blog | Photos | Show |
4th form's blog | Photos | Show |
5th form's blog | Photos | Show |
6th form's blog | Photos | Show |
Thanks to the contribution of Fernando Cormenzana, now we have an excellent wallpaper with pictures taken in Villa Cardal. Clicking the image you can see it in complete size for downloading.
As informed in the portal, we will have to wait one more week to know how the bidding proposals for the equipment of "Phase I" of the project are.
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(Translated by Alec McLure from "Nuevos contenidos: ¡los niños al poder!")In the last few weeks I've been visiting Villa Cardal on a regular basis to provide support to school teachers (see pictures of a recent visit, here are some others taken by Fernando Cormenzana). The goal is to help them do new tasks with the laptops - tasks that sometimes require either some technical knowledge or English-language skills. English is still the main language both on the internet and on XO (just look at eToys).
Last week we worked with 4th and 5th graders to upload photos to a blog. You can see the first attempts at http://cardal-ceibal.blogspot
This adds on to our other initiatives (such as email) that have slowly been growing in the student population- among other experiences, it has allowed them to contact Brazilian children who are having similar experiences.
In a world where Spanish-language content is increasingly consumed although not much produced (for example, Spanish is in ninth place in Wikipedia's article count) it's a good sign to have this new generation of content creators. All that's missing is to have teachers join in in the revolution.
This video was taken by a student of Fourth Year of the school of Villa Cardal, with his XO computer. It is about a complicated birth of a cow.
It is worth remembering that Villa Cardal is a locality of great farming activity (“capital of the milk river basin of Uruguay”). This work is part of a series of activities that we are making in the school relative to the work in the "tambo" (dairy farm).
Upon request from participants in the official bidding process a one-month extension has been granted. This means that the official presentation and unsealing of bids will now take place on August 24th.
The option to grant justified bid extensions was specified in the original call for bids document.
Additionaly, a new call for bids for the provissioning of school servers has been issued. This call complements the former one, giving a chance for other suppliers to make their proposals for this "more standard" resource.
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(Translated by Alec McLure from Información y futurología del acuerdo Intel - OLPC, published by Pablo Flores on 7/14/2007)The announcement of the agreement reached by OLPC and Intel gives rise to much speculation as to how the OLPC project will continue and how it will impact Uruguay and other countries joining this initiative.
Let's begin by analyzing just what is in this agreement. There's not much official information, but what is clear is that Intel will join OLPC's board of directors. (The roster will now consist of representatives from AMD, Brightstart, Chi Lin, eBay, Google, Intel, Marvell, News Corporation, Nortel Networks, Quanta Computer, Red Hat, and SES Astra.)
Like all OLPC corporate associates, Intel will bring some capital when they join the project – this hasn't yet been detailed in public. This is what's known up to now.
Words from some of the lead players:
(Translated by Alec McLure from Comentarios acerca del llamado a licitación 7/07/2007, published by Pablo Flores)
In a previous post I did some initial commentary on the bidding process for Phase I of the Ceibal Project. I'm going to provide a more detailed summary here, now that I've had the chance to read the bidding document in more detail.
First of all, one notices the enormous amount of work involved in considering a project of such complexity. This results in requiring projects proposals with a very wide scope. In this post, I'm only going to mention a few of the points that seem to me to embody the spirit of the call to bids, which doesn't mean that I'm not leaving many important aspects out.
Ceibal Project's Objectives
First, the bid document makes all the project's expected results very clear:
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(Translated from Se viene Florida, published by Pablo Flores on 7/05/2007.)The next objective of the project is to expand to all of the department of Florida. This means giving computers to all its kids and teachers, as well as providing connectivity infrastructure in all its schools and in as many homes as possible.
I don't have the exact numbers now, but we are talking about more than 100 schools (many of them called "rural", with only one classroom and one teacher), about 500 teachers and 10,000 kids. The total population of Florida is close to 70,000, half of whom live in the capital city Florida, most of the rest live in smaller cities, and 12,000 live in rural areas.
Many things are going to be tried out for the first time (in Uruguay and in the world) when this expansion phase is finished. For the first time locations in a critical social context will be reached. Also, larger cities will be covered (Cardal has less than 2,000 inhabitants). The challenges are many.
From the educational point of view, a training meeting for the department's teachers is being organized for next week. Attending this event is voluntary, as it surely will be for all similar meetings. Given that many activities will be performed in the workshop modality, the openings are limited, but it is hoped that many will be interested in attending and the event will be repeated at different occasions.
This expansion is expected to be performed between August and September. For this, the bid will have had to have been adjudicated.
More information about Florida (in Spanish):
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As I mentioned before,the international call for bids for Phase I of the project has begun.
Now there is a version in english available. Access it here.
Thanks to Alec McLure, now we have the first institutional video of the Ceibal Project subtitled in english. Enjoy!
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(Translated from Reunión con padres en Villa Cardal, published by Pablo Flores on 6/03/07)
Last Friday we had a meeting at Villa Cardal with the parents and teachers of the kids that attend the school. Several of the project collaborators gathered in a classroom to inform advances in the project, but mostly to listen to opinions, comments, criticism... to have some feedback on how this community is experiencing the arrival of the laptops. From this meeting I compiled several phrases that I want to make public in this blog.
The parents
The meeting congregated a lot of parents, we didn't count them but I estimate they were over one hundred. The great majority of them didn't have a computer at home.
Some of the most touching phrases that were heard:
In a previous post, I uploaded some videos of a uruguayan TV journal ("Subrayado"), reporting the evolution of the pilot project in Villa Cardal.
Now you can find an english translation of this videos thanks to the work of Alec McLure.
Enjoy! First segment, second segment, third segment.
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With the lemma "a space to innovate", yesterday was launched th official web portal of the Ceibal Project: More information in this post in spanish.
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This note was made by the journalist from Channel 10 of Uruguay Pablo Silvera on May the 18th int the "Italy" School of Villa Cardal.
The first segment shows the impact of the project on the school and children.
In the second segment, the story of a family that lives in a "tambo" (I don't know how it is called in english, the place where cows are bred to produce milk). A uruguayan family as many others... except that they have 3 children at the school, so they get home with 3 laptops!
In the last segment there is the interview made to Sylvia González about technical aspects. The presenter starts saying "the Internet page of the Ceibal project receives 20,000 daily visits", referring to this blog :-) Somehow exagerated...
I also recommend, for seeing practical experiences of the laptops usage in brazilian schools, take a look at the videos in this post from olpcnews.
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As I commented in a previous post, Vinod Sreeharsha is an independent journalist who was in Villa Cardal making a coverage during the launching of the pilot project. Here is the complete article he wrote - which has additional information to the one published in the Miami Herald.
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The launching of the pilot project in Cardal with OLPC laptops had international repercussion. Pictures of children, teachers and authorities appeared in pages from Uruguay, Brasil, Israel, United States, Germany, Italy, China and Japan, within others. The post "Villa Cardal, Center of worldwide attention", with its gallery of photos was linkd from more than 90 blogs worldwide an was at the top of digg for some hours, which took thousands of accesses to the blog from many places in the world.
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(Translation of: Una semana después - Nuevas imágenes del piloto en Cardal. Thanks to Gustavo Fischer for the translation work)I was fortunate to visit the “Italy” school at Villa Cardal yesterday, where last week the pilot of the Ceibal project was launched, giving XO laptops to all the children there.
View gallery of pictures and videos.
I could see live the long awaited scenes of classrooms where every child is working with his laptop. There was even a moment where some parents of the 6th grade students asked to talk with the teacher, and she left the children doing some schoolwork with the computers to take the time needed to talk to the parents. When me and Walter Bender, who was there during a very brief visit to our country a few days ago, entered the classroom, they were all working quietly, although we didn’t take long to change that.
As we could see, the kids have taken tons of photos, played and entered the Internet, finding Youtube especially attractive, which has caused some headaches to the LATU personnel in charge of the bandwidth. The teachers have found some very interesting activities to use the computers, which we will refer to later in some other post.
To our presence was added Pablo Silveira from Channel 10, who did some very nice coverage for news program Subrayado. You can see the video of last week’s coverage made for the project launch here:
I see a school that has changed a lot in its usual routine, and that is facing the challenge with strength. The children accompany the effort with much enthusiasm, so much so that absentee levels have dropped significatively.
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(el blog en español se muda a Recomiendo ver la bienvenida al nuevo blog)
Welcome to this non-official blog about Ceibal project, by which uruguayan government intends to give one laptop for every scholar child in our country.
This blog started in spanish in february 2007. In that moment, the only organization publicly interested in supplying equipments for the project was OLPC, with its XO computers. Since then, many things have changed. Firstly, there have appeared competitors of XO, competing for providing computers for uruguayan children. Additionaly, in last weeks it started an important international interest about the project in the international comunity, which demanded information in english. Finally, I've had the chance to get involved personally in the project, in the Follou-up & Research area.
All this made me decide to use this blog for publishing posts in english, and starting a new one:, for infrmation in spanish. In spanish, only old posts will remain here.
Everyone is invited. Not only for reading and commenting; you can contribute to this blog in several ways:
Este es el último post en español en este blog. A partir de este momento el blog en español será, quedando este blog únicamente para entradas en inglés. Recomiendo ver la bienvenida al nuevo blog.
Espero que todos los seguidores de este blog encuentren en este cambio la mejora que se busca en la organización de la información.
Pablo Flores
Artículo de prensa del diario El Observador:
"Los 160 niños que integran el piloto están aprendiendo a usar los ordenadores. Ya los usan para estudiar, pero también los integran en su vida extra curricular. Los maestros también se ponen a tono y los padres se muestran conformes".
Las computadoras portátiles, sin embargo, ya comenzaron a transformar el aula en Villa Cardal. "El poder de esas máquinas es impresionante" señaló el director de la escuela, Marcelo Galain, al destacar que las computadoras tienen una batería con una duración de 12 horas.
El director indicó que los estudiantes recibieron sus computadoras un día antes de un feriado nacional pero que asistieron a clases el día de asueto para comenzar a utilizarlas.
Hubo algunos problemas técnicos de menor cuantía cuando se comenzaron a utilizar las computadoras, y aunque ninguno de los maestros tenía mucha experiencia con ellas, pronto se dieron cuenta que los niños cuyos apellidos llevaban acentos tenían problemas para ingresar al sistema pero el problema fue resuelto con prontitud.
"Las computadoras portátiles se hablan mutuamente de manera automática, tienen un chat de voz, se pueden compartir archivos y todo esto se puede hacer entre las computadoras de este tipo sin necesidad de la Internet", indicó Bender al hablar sobre el diseño. Además, agregó que "si cualquiera de estas computadoras llega a tener acceso a la Internet, todas pueden compartirla".
Galain indicó que ahora observa que los estudiantes están más involucrados en aprender que lo que estaban antes. "Algunos niños a quienes no les gustaba o no querían escribir, ahora se van familiarizando con el procesador de texto", agregó.
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Ayer tuve la suerte de visitar la Escuela Italia de Villa Cardal, donde la semana pasada se lanzó el primer piloto del proyecto Ceibal, entregando laptops XO para todos sus niños.
Ver galería de fotos y videos.
Pude ver en vivo las tan esperadas escenas de aulas en que cada niño está trabajando con su laptop. Incluso en un momento, llegaron unos padres de alumnos del grupo de 6to año, que tenían que hablar con la maestra, y ésta para poder tomarse el tiempo necesario dejó a los niños haciendo actividades en las computadoras; cuando entramos a la clase junto a Walter Bender - quien estuvo ahí, durante la visita fugaz a nuestro país que hizo los días pasados - estaban todos trabajando muy tranquilos, aunque no demoramos mucho en alborotarlos.
Según pude ver, los niños han sacado toneladas de fotos, jugado y accedido a Internet, encontrando especial atractivo en ver videos en youtube - tema que le está causando algunos dolores de cabeza a la gente del Latu, dado que con esto matan el ancho de banda disponible. Las maestras también han creado interesantes actividades, a las cuales me referiré en algún momento en otro post.
A nuestra presencia se sumó la de Pablo Silveira de Canal 10, quien hizo una muy linda nota ayer para el noticiero Subrayado. A continuación se puede ver el video de la cobertura realizada por este medio la semana pasada, en el momento del lanzamiento del piloto.
Veo una escuela que ha cambiado mucho lo que era su rutina habitual y que está enfrentando el desafío con fuerza. Los niños acompañan con mucho entusiasmo, tanto que ha aumentado en forma importante el nivel de asistencia.
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(Translation of/Traducción de: Elogios internacionales para el proyecto Ceibal, published on 5/05/2007. Thanks to Gustavo Fischer for the translation work)An international meeting took place from April 23 to 27th at OLPC headquarters at MIT, which included direct and indirect participants in the project at a worldwide level. Education authorities, financers and technical staff and most of those linked to OLPC attended a series of
workshops and conferences, many of them led by Nicholas Negroponte himself, in which important points of interest were discussed.
Uruguay had its own delegation as one of the six countries that are already working with the XO laptops, together with Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan and Thailand. In that context, on a workshop on the 24th, and in front of representatives from those countries and others interested in joining the project, Negroponte stated that Uruguay is one of the countries that are best structuring the OLPC project at the moment.
At the same time, Antonio Battro, education area specialist for OLPC stated that the Ceibal project is the one that best represents the project’s 1 to 1 philosophy by considering it a nationwide project.
The project was also presented at the Vatican and Harvard, receiving praise at both institutions.
These are really outstanding news.
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El famoso artículo del New York times... Según la lectura de algunos medios, es la prueba de que dar laptops en las escuelas puede ser un total fracaso. Me refiero a la nota titulada "Seeing No Progress, Some Schools Drop Laptops", que fué publicada por el New York Times el pasado 4 de Mayo. Parte de la información de esa nota fué tomada por el semanario Búsqueda en su edición del 10 de Mayo, donde publica un artículo muy crítico que compara la experiencia norteamericana con lo que ese mismo día estaba comenzando en Cardal. Entre otras cosas el artículo de Búsqueda resalta los problemas de rupturas, hackers, pornografía y falta de uso educativo. Lo primero que me llamó la atención fue que no hubiera oído hablar nada de esa experiencia, según tenía entendido, el primer piloto 1-a-1 con niños se realizó en Costa Rica hace algunos años y hay pocas experiencias de este tipo. Mirando el artículo, veo que la "escuela" norteamericana es un secundario. En las fotos se pueden ver sus "niños". También veo que los laptops son tradicionales, no pensados para enfrentarse a la compleja realidad de un entorno de enseñanza.
Esta nota la tomó Emiliano Cotelo en la entrevista realizada a Juan Grompone y Héctor Florit el pasado 11 de Mayo - recomiendo mucho leer la entrevista, tiene pasajes muy interesantes, donde además de hacer referencia a este tema, se habla del proyecto desde el punto de vista educativo y se abordan muchos de los temas de interés general, como los actores involucrados y el futuro del proyecto.
Parece más que importante tomar todas las experiencias posibles como referencias de lo que puede salir bien y lo que puede salir mal en un proyecto de estas características. Es fundamental prever los problemas que puedan surgir, porque con el tiempo, con seguridad van a surgir. Yo no puedo ser objetivo, eso está claro... pero también está claro que Búsqueda no está siendo objetiva. Por el contrario, su artículo contribuye a desinformar.
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